2016: A Wonderful Year of Villa Memories

From the desk of Jean Bready,
Owner/President of the Villa St. Elizabeth. . . . . . . . .
I pray that all of you had a very Merry Christmas! My prayers and wishes are that the Villa Family of our wonderful residents, their supportive families and our dedicated employees will have a healthy and prosperous New Year!
As the New Year approaches, we reflect on all the 2016 Villa Events that we experienced together. Sit back and enjoy the remembrances of a fun year. How can we forget :
Dory’s fun-filled Bingo Days
Kathy’s weekend Walmart and Kmart outings
Wine & Cheese on Fridays – A favorite of mine!
Wii Bowling and Crafts with Glenda
Lynn’s Monday Cottage surprises
Tuesday’s Word Game – An All time favorite
Lunch Bunch refreshments at the YR’s Club
Beer & Bites – Real beer and Pretzel Factory pretzels
How about the many musical events:
Yolanda, Erwin Chandler, Bob Minnich
Bob Long, Curt Lash, The Twisted Sisters – and many more!
Yummy – All the Holiday Dinners, barbecues, Luaus and patio lunches created by Chef Cindy
The annual Easter Egg Hunt with the Olivet Boys and Girls Club – A special thanks to Palmer Chocolate for their co-sponsorship
The annual Spooky Halloween Trick or Treat party with the employees’ children visiting all the residents
And what about the gorgeous decorations from season to season? I am so proud of the all the happiness and smiles our decorations bring to the residents and their visitors.
From St Pat’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Villa is able to dress up with festive decorations
Our Veteran’s Day memorial dinner, recognizing those residents who served the USA and the special spouses who supported them
Special Thank You’s go to:
our Administrator, Denise Kasaba and her staff – Debbie Homan, Med Manager, and Cheryl Waren, Human Resources Manager. These activities and the daily duties of the Villa’s daily personal care would not come together without their help and cooperation.
And to my daughter, Kathy Tufts, who helps the residents and their families match the best accommodations with her special attention to detail.
Happy New Year to All! May God bless and keep our Villa Family in His Care in the coming years.
Jean Bready